About Us
OUR TEAM is comprised of a scientist, cultural and artistic promoter, environmental engineer, and a ballet dance instructor and art performer, all with a drive to help educational and social change in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
President: David R. Goucher (Molecular Biologist)
Vice President: Ximena Elsa Tenezaca Cardenas (Cultural Promoter)
Secretary: Antonio Castillo (Environmental Engineer)
Treasurer: Sandra Gomez (Ballet Dancer and Dance Studio Manager)
More Info
Conciencia Amazónica was inaugurated in late February 2020, with the mission of working with local institutions to promote scientific education and artistic development across the Ecuadorian Amazon region. When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Ecuador, while still in its infancy, we began compiling relative information regarding the science of the pandemic, validating and translating videos, documents, etc. to present in our webpage for all to utilize. Communications with local radio programs to educate the local people about the pandemic, and proactive actions to prevent the spread of the virus to vulnerable communities, as well as providing recommendations, procedures, and strategies to local leaders.
We are continually working on this, now amplifying the project to support local hospitals with key techniques, strategies, and innovation in these hard times. As we know, hospitals across the world were not prepared for this pandemic. Imagine the situation in these isolated areas prior to the pandemic, where there were no ventilators to begin with, where doctors and nurses have specified quantities of PPE for each for monthly use, and now with the road closures implemented across Ecuador by the national government the supply chain has been shut down. In addition, the national government has handed down responsibility to municipal governments to reopen the local economies, without fully addressing the health crisis necessities.
Conciencia Amazónica continues to assist local authorities with not only short-term relief projects, but in coordinating efforts by breaking the boundaries between the ministries of health and education and local governments to take full advantage of public institutions and personnel to address the pending crisis. The need to construct ventilators is an urgent priority, as is the need to adequate hospitals, health clinics and staff for potentially infected patients using appropriate international biosafety protocols. Scarce resource management prior to the pending wave of the pandemic is also an important strategy, as well as preparation for the hopeful use of convalescent plasma therapy, which can be implemented prior to vaccine development and approval by international health administrations.
Current models suggest these vaccines and medicines will not be available for at least a year in the developed world, ,and will not likely arrive in developing countries for maybe 2 years. While we have no illusions about saving the world, we certainly believe by applying science and knowledge efficiently and effectively, we can take a proactive approach that will result in saving lives.
Thank you for your help
The implementation and success of our foundations’ goals depend highly on key members of the communities in which we work. Many of our local supporters have always been on the forefront of the development of their communities, working as local professors, community leaders, motivational family fathers, local business owners, etc. Their willingness to support our foundation in addition to their daily labor activities gives us the drive to continue, and further our knowledge and work base for the current emergency, as well as for our future projects.
The information presented on the website has required not only vetting by scientists, but translation by friends who understand the importance of community education regarding the pandemic, to avoid Facebook and rumors from being the key sources of information. Local community leaders and health care providers who understand the key biological concepts of the virus and the resulting pandemic are more able to implement strategies appropriate for the local population and communities, which will undoubtedly save lives.
Apart from the financial collaborators, we would like to express a sincere gratitude to the following people:
Ximena Tenezaca Cárdenas
Dave Goucher
Jude Agar, Medellin, Antioquia
Daniel Engel, Byron Bay, New South Wales
Biologa Veronica Urgiles, UCF, Orlando Florida
Dr. Joao Pedras-Vasconcelos, FDA, Bethesda Maryland
Dr. Fabio Klamt: UFRGS Porto Alegre/RS
Professor Galo B. Molina, San Juan Bosco
Biologo Xavier Garzón, San Juan Bosco
Jaime Garzón, San Juan Bosco
Marco Garzón, San Juan Bosco
Angel Estrella, San Juan Bosco
Bolivar Chacon, San Juan Bosco
Erika Arevalo, San Juan Bosco
Glenda Maldonado, San Juan Bosco
Andrea Castillo, Limón-Indanza
Patricio Estrella, Limón-Indanza
Maria Cardenas, Limón-Indanza
Jaime Tenezaca, Limón-Indanza
Rodrigo Matute, Limón-Indanza
Erik “Paco” Bustamante, Limón-Indanza
Danitza Castillo, Limón-Indanza
Cristian Garcia, Cuenca
Mayra Bautista, Cuenca
Joel Adriance, Cuenca
Byron Torres, Radio Voz Upuano, Macas
San Juan Bosco
Jaime Garzón
Marco Garzón
Angel Estrella
Bolivar Chacon
Erika Arevalo
Glenda Maldonado
Andrea Castillo
Patricio Estrella
Maria Cardenas
Jaime Tenezaca
Rodrigo Matute
Erik “Paco” Bustamante
Danitza Castillo
Cristian Garcia
Mayra Bautista
Joel Adriance
Gracias por tu regalo (Thank you for your gift)
Michael M - $100
Denise M - $100
Rowan S - $100
Sarah B - $50
Daniel E - $50

About Us
OUR TEAM is comprised of a scientist, cultural and artistic promoter, environmental engineer, and a ballet dance instructor and art performer, all with a drive to help educational and social change in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Quien Somos
NUESTRO EQUIPO está compuesto por un científico, promotor cultural y artístico, ingeniero ambiental y un instructor de danza de ballet e intérprete de arte, todos con un impulso para ayudar al cambio educativo y social en la Amazonía ecuatoriana.
President: David R. Goucher (Molecular Biologist)
Vice President: Ximena Elsa Tenezaca Cardenas (Cultural Promoter)
Secretary: Antonio Castillo (Environmental Engineer)
Treasurer: Sandra Gomez (Ballet Dancer and Dance Studio Manager)
More Info
Conciencia Amazónica was inaugurated in late February 2020, with the mission of working with local institutions to promote scientific education and artistic development across the Ecuadorian Amazon region. When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Ecuador, while still in its infancy, we began compiling relative information regarding the science of the pandemic, validating and translating videos, documents, etc. to present in our webpage for all to utilize. Communications with local radio programs to educate the local people about the pandemic, and proactive actions to prevent the spread of the virus to vulnerable communities, as well as providing recommendations, procedures, and strategies to local leaders.
We are continually working on this, now amplifying the project to support local hospitals with key techniques, strategies, and innovation in these hard times. As we know, hospitals across the world were not prepared for this pandemic. Imagine the situation in these isolated areas prior to the pandemic, where there were no ventilators to begin with, where doctors and nurses have specified quantities of PPE for each for monthly use, and now with the road closures implemented across Ecuador by the national government the supply chain has been shut down. In addition, the national government has handed down responsibility to municipal governments to reopen the local economies, without fully addressing the health crisis necessities.
Conciencia Amazónica continues to assist local authorities with not only short-term relief projects, but in coordinating efforts by breaking the boundaries between the ministries of health and education and local governments to take full advantage of public institutions and personnel to address the pending crisis. The need to construct ventilators is an urgent priority, as is the need to adequate hospitals, health clinics and staff for potentially infected patients using appropriate international biosafety protocols. Scarce resource management prior to the pending wave of the pandemic is also an important strategy, as well as preparation for the hopeful use of convalescent plasma therapy, which can be implemented prior to vaccine development and approval by international health administrations.
Current models suggest these vaccines and medicines will not be available for at least a year in the developed world, ,and will not likely arrive in developing countries for maybe 2 years. While we have no illusions about saving the world, we certainly believe by applying science and knowledge efficiently and effectively, we can take a proactive approach that will result in saving lives.
Gracias por tu ayuda (Thank you for your help)
The implementation and success of our foundations’ goals depend highly on key members of the communities in which we work. Many of our local supporters have always been on the forefront of the development of their communities, working as local professors, community leaders, motivational family fathers, local business owners, etc. Their willingness to support our foundation in addition to their daily labor activities gives us the drive to continue, and further our knowledge and work base for the current emergency, as well as for our future projects.
The information presented on the website has required not only vetting by scientists, but translation by friends who understand the importance of community education regarding the pandemic, to avoid Facebook and rumors from being the key sources of information. Local community leaders and health care providers who understand the key biological concepts of the virus and the resulting pandemic are more able to implement strategies appropriate for the local population and communities, which will undoubtedly save lives.
Apart from the financial collaborators, we would like to express a sincere gratitude to the following people:
Ximena Tenezaca Cárdenas
Dave Goucher
Jude Agar, Medellin, Antioquia
Daniel Engel, Byron Bay, New South Wales
Biologa Veronica Urgiles, UCF, Orlando Florida
Dr. Joao Pedras-Vasconcelos, FDA, Bethesda Maryland
Dr. Fabio Klamt: UFRGS Porto Alegre/RS
Professor Galo B. Molina, San Juan Bosco
Biologo Xavier Garzón, San Juan Bosco
Jaime Garzón, San Juan Bosco
Marco Garzón, San Juan Bosco
Angel Estrella, San Juan Bosco
Bolivar Chacon, San Juan Bosco
Erika Arevalo, San Juan Bosco
Glenda Maldonado, San Juan Bosco
Andrea Castillo, Limón-Indanza
Patricio Estrella, Limón-Indanza
Maria Cardenas, Limón-Indanza
Jaime Tenezaca, Limón-Indanza
Rodrigo Matute, Limón-Indanza
Erik “Paco” Bustamante, Limón-Indanza
Danitza Castillo, Limón-Indanza
Cristian Garcia, Cuenca
Mayra Bautista, Cuenca
Joel Adriance, Cuenca
Byron Torres, Radio Voz Upuano, Macas
San Juan Bosco
Jaime Garzón
Marco Garzón
Angel Estrella
Bolivar Chacon
Erika Arevalo
Glenda Maldonado
Andrea Castillo
Patricio Estrella
Maria Cardenas
Jaime Tenezaca
Rodrigo Matute
Erik “Paco” Bustamante
Danitza Castillo
Cristian Garcia
Mayra Bautista
Joel Adriance
Gracias por tu regalo (Thank you for your gift)
Michael M - $100
Denise M - $100
Rowan S - $100
Sarah B - $50
Daniel E - $50